This is the website of Mobiliteitscenter Perry Verbruggen
Our business address is Mijlstraat 21a
5281 LJ Boxtel
Our postal address is Mijlstraat 21a
5281 LJ Boxtel
Registration number Chamber of Commerce 16064530
Our vat number is 148388954B01
With each visit to our website our web server automatically recognizes only your domain name and not your e-mail address
When you visit our website, we keep
a. your domain name, but not your e-mail address, when you visit our web page
b. your e-mail address if you place messages/questions on this website
c. your e-mail address if you communicate this to us.
d. your e-mail address if you participate in discussion forums;
e. the domain name of other sites you have visited in order to go to our site
f. all information regarding the pages you have consulted on our site;
g. all the information that you have provided voluntarily (e.g. research information and/or site-registration)
This information is used
a. The content of our website to improve
b. to you to notify you of updates of our site
The information is only used internally and is not passed on to other organisations for commercial purposes
On this site we use cookies. (A cookie is a small file sent by a web Server and stored on the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of the visited internet Site and contains some data about this visit.)
a. register your preferences;
b. information sessions to register, such as information on what you add to your shopping list;
c. information to register your personal you, such as the web pages you have visited in order to go to our site;
We have no partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the internet
a. If we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use the coding technologies recognised as common standards within the IT sector.
b. If we receive or transfer critical information, such as financial information or health information, we use a secure server. You will be informed via a screen that will appear on our site (pop-up).
c. We have appropriate security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we receive on our site.
How can you contact us in connection with our privacy policy ?
If you wish to comment on our privacy policy, please contact us
a. By email: [email protected]
b. By phone: +31 411-685283
About communication by e-mail
If in the future you wish to receive from our company, you can contact us at the above address.
a. We may use the e-mail addresses of our customers to pass on to organisations which we are contractually bound and that offer products or services that might interest you. If you do not want your e-mail address to other companies or organizations, please contact us at the above address.
You will only receive the information which you have requested, at the address you communicated to us;
Our company will only contact you directly if this is necessary in order to inform you about the orders you placed on-line;
If you are not an advertising of us wish to receive via post, telephone or e-mail, please let us know at the above address.
Our company may use consumer information for new purposes not yet foreseen in our " privacy policy ". In that case, we will contact you before using your data for these new purposes, to notify you of changes to our regulations for the protection of personal data and to give you the opportunity to refuse your participation.
On request we grant visitors of our site access to all information that we maintain about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us at the above address.
On request we offer the visitors of our site the possibility to correct any incorrect information that we maintain about them, correct. If you provide your personal data, wish to improve, please contact us at the above address.
If you find that our site is not in accordance with our privacy policy, please contact Our company at the above address